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inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.
"a formidable opponent"
Blanca Flor and Juanito will probably be reunited later in the story. After all Blanca does to help Juanito escape, it is likely that he will find help and return to the farm to save her. He would not leave her there to be punished after she saves him and helps him get free.
Personal experiences and memory of the author.
Prewriting is the germinal phase of the writing process. It includes five basic strategies which are also called "brainstorming strategies" which include listing, clustering, freewriting, looping and asking the journalists which may be based on several topics like illustrations, statistics, literature, etc. But prewriting strategies for autobiographical writing is often associated with the author's personal experiences and memory. It helps him/her exemplify their perceptions or viewpoint to the readers. An autobiographical prewriting focuses on the gathering and arranging the information of the major events and happenings of the author's life and its consequences to present it to the readers in a more relative and effective manner.