How does Abraham Lincoln use The Gettysburg Address to shape society? He wants to strengthen patriotic ideals by reminding his a
udience of the sacrifices of their forefathers. He wants to bring an end to the war by reminding his audience of the lives lost at Gettysburg. He wants to abolish slavery by convincing his audience that it is wrong. He wants to preserve the Union by convincing his audience that war is necessary.
He wants to strengthen patriotic ideals by reminding his audience of the sacrifices of their forefathers.
The Gettysburg Address is the most famous speech by President Abraham Lincoln. It was pronounced in the Dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in the city of Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) on November 19, 1863, four and a half months after the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. Although Lincoln's carefully worded speech was secondary to other speeches of the day, it has been considered later as one of the greatest speeches in the history of mankind, or, at least, one of the most famous and cited of the modern era Invoking the principles of equality of men enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, Lincoln redefined the Civil War as a new birth of freedom for the United States and its citizens.
A - He wants to strengthen patriotic ideals by reminding his audience of the sacrifices of their forefathers.
Lincoln starts the Gettysburg address by reminding them of what their forefathers did 'four score and seven years ago' - 47 years ago in hopes of stregthening the thought of the Union through their sacrifices so they would not be in vain.
If it werent for the advancements in telacomunication technology, many people would be poor, many jobs wouldnt of happened and poor communication would occur leading to mislead deals.
It helped by giving the people something to hunt with and defend their self with. THe paleolithic period was hard and you died easly. The spears where made for pertection and hunting.
I know i am not a good speller. that is the one subject i dont do good in. Sorry