Most likely, yes! He most likely has inherited features that are similar to his uncle which can be through genes.
These are large molecules which are formed from the union of many monosaccharides units through condensation. Excess glucose in the body is stored in form of glycogen and can be hydrolyzed when glucose levels go down. Glucagon stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen into glucose.
<em>The star has a mass of 0.45 M ☉ and a radius of 0.48 R ☉. It has a temperature of 3620 K and is estimated to be about 9.54 billion years old.</em>
<em>Mean radius: ≥1.5(?) REart</em><em>h</em>
<em>Orbital period (sidereal): 35.68 (± 0.03) d</em>
<em>Eccentricity: 0.18 (± 0.13)</em>
<em>hit that heart and dont forget to follow hehe thx<3</em></h2>
Box 2.
There are only 2 animals with less than 5 legs and both have tails. Box 2 is for animals with less than 5 legs and no tail.
If both animals have tails, Box 2 has no data to input into this classification system.
Hope this helps!