Vos parents travaillent le week-end et alors, vous êtes responsable de vos frères et sœurs. Employez chaque verbe à l'impératif.
if it's imperative form, no subject.
1- ok <em>(except for the </em><em>?</em><em>)</em>
2- ok
3- ok
4. nous / être heureux => Soyons heureux !
5. tu / nettoyer / la chambre => Nettoie la chambre.
6. tu / ne pas avoir peur => N'aie pas peur!
7. nous / ne pas manger / la pizza => Ne mangeons pas la pizza.
8. vous / lire / le journal => Lisez le journal.
have a nice day :)
I'm pretty sure it's attend
C. Emile Durkheim was the socioligist who received credit laying the foundation of methodology in sociology.
a,PACS is an acronym for Pacte Civil de Solidarité.
b.Une famille monoparentale consists of two parents and one or more children.
faux, un seul parent
c.The average age for French couples to marry is 25 years old.
Faux: 18 ans
d.The traditional familial structure with two married parents and one or more children still exists in France.
e.On average, French families have two children.
deux-mil-vingt et un
deux is 2 mil is thousand and vingt et un is 21