¿Hay similitudes y diferencias entre la danza, la plena, la salsa y el rap latino? Expliquen. means this Are there similarities and differences between dance, full, salsa, and Latin rap? Explain. Yes. Salsa uses Mambo action (forward/backward steps), Bachata is danced with chasses (side, close, side steps) and Merengue is basically a two-step dance with a lot of hip action.
(La salsa usa la acción de Mambo (pasos hacia adelante / atrás), la bachata se baila con chasses (pasos laterales, cerrados, laterales) y el merengue es básicamente un baile de dos pasos con mucha acción de cadera.)
hope this was helpful.
Latin America takes in a fair few countries, so travellers tend not to stick to just one. Apart from Brazil or Mexico it's quite common to travel in several countries on one trip and not uncommon to cover the whole region. For this reason regional guide books have been concentrated on here, picking out the best and naming and shaming the worst.
An ejido land is divided into the user are organized into work teams to till the land the work team the orange zone in January the blue zone in February in March and April the purple zone in May June and July the green zone and the rest of the year the red zone