6) A black hole is a part of space that has such a strong gravitational pull that nothing can escape from inside the black hole.
7) A Quasar is a very large celestial object that gives off massive amounts of energy. There is a theory that Quasars contain gigantic black holes in them but it is still yet to be proven.
8) The energy of a Quasar ranges from 1 trillion to 25 trillion of our sun.
9) Stars get their light due to a nuclear reaction that happens inside the star.
The answer would be D. Tropical Rainforest, this would be due to the abundance of rain which creates plenty of vegetation and then, more herbivores will live in the rainforest, and the more herbivores there are, the more carnivores will come to the rainforest. The canopy of the tall trees also provide shelter for countless of thousands of species of birds.
La respuesta correcta es opción C. "Contar con organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos".
Una de las características que diferencia a las células procariontes de las eucariontes, es que las células eucariontes tienen organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos. Las células eucariontes son más complejas que las celulas procariontes, y tienen organelos rodeados por membranas donde efectúan sus distintas funciones celulares. Las células procariontes no tienen organelos y realizan la mayoría de sus funciones directamente en el citoplasma.
Taking the child to a doctor for treatment for the tick bite so the child doesnt get sick.
Other reasons are
Not finishing the antibiotics.
Taking antibiotics too often