In an effort to explain where Cain and Abel acquired wives, some traditional sources stated that each child of Adam and Eve was born with a twin who became their mate. According to the Seder HaDorot, the wife and twin sister of Cain was named Kalmana, and the wife and twin of Abel was Balbira.
.... lol
Compare the amendment process in West Virginia to that of the national government is described below in details.
West Virginia's constitution, nevertheless, did not possess a preamble till 1960. In enhancement to the system of federalism, the WV constitution is established on the democratic beliefs of freedom, restricted government, division of powers, and checks and balances.
Any improvement or amendments to this Constitution may be introduced in the Senate or House of Delegates, and if the identical shall be consented to by a majority of the segments elected to respectively of the two houses, such recommended improvement or amendments shall be registered on their records, the name of each member.
After Germany had surrendered, Britain and America had control over the Western half of Germany, and the Soviet Union had control of the Eastern part of Germany. In West Germany, the Americans and Brits set up a capitalist government, in East Germany, the Soviets had set up a communist government. America had also set up the UN (United Nations) to help prevent another war like that happening again. Germany also had to stop building up a military.
Hope this helps!