They are to wait for at least one year.
Infertility maybe defined as trying to get pregnant without success despite having frequent sexual intercourse for a period of at least one year.
It has properties of the ordinal level of measurement and
the differences in the values of the variable have meaning. A value of zero in
the interval level of measurement does not mean the absence of the quantity.
Arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction can be performed on
values of the variable is called interval.
While nominal the values of the variables name, label or categorize. In
addition, the naming scheme does not allow values of the variables to be
arranged in a ranked or specific, order.
That isn't even possible. Your body is made of them. If you had none then you wouldn't be existing.
Because loess is deposited from the atmosphere it provides an important geologic archive of past atmospheric circulation that can be used to test atmospheric circulation models