Indentured servants bargained away their labor for a period of four to seven years in exchange for passage to the New World. Although they made up the mass of English immigrants to the Chesapeake colonies their fortunes were poor
D) the US didn’t join the League of Nations.
He agreed to command the volunteers instead
- In February 1836, Colonel Travis knew he was lost - with few soldiers he was surrounded by a strong Mexican army at Fort Alamo, Texas.
- Suddenly there was a cheerful giggle sound. It was Dave Crockett with his comrades and rifle Betsy, who came to join the Texas fighters.
- The hero of the Wild West, always with a raccoon fur coat, a leather blouse and Indian moccasins, was greeted with joyful cheering.
- But, on March 6, 1836, the Mexicans embarked on their final assault. David Crockett struggled bitterly and fell, fired with bullets, along with Alamo's last defenders.
Learn more on Battle of Alamo on
Betty Friedan<span>. </span>Betty Friedan<span> (February 4, 1921 – February 4, 2006) was an American writer, activist, and feminist. A leading figure in the women's movement in the United States, her 1963 </span>book<span> The Feminine Mystique is often credited with sparking the second wave of American feminism in the 20th century.</span>