A. he was a Mexican working in the interest of Anglo settlers
During the era of Texan settlements, the Anglo settlers that mostly came from Europe involved in a conflict with Mexican government. Both of them wanted to take control over the land and resources that exist in Texas territory.
Erasmo Seguín was a Mexican born politician that formed a pretty strong born with the Anglo Settlers during the time when he lived in Texas.
When dispute arises between the Anglo Settlers and the Mexican government, Erasmo Seguin often chosen by the Anglo Settlers to act as their representatives and work to negotiate on behalf of the Anglo Settlers.
Guilds in the Middle Ages played an important role in society. They provided a way for trade skills to be learned and passed down from generation to generation. Members of a guild had the opportunity to rise in society through hard work. The guild protected members in many ways.
Between 1945 and 195, the Soviet policies affect the history of Eastern Europe in such way that Europe was divided into two and this was because of an arguments that are over political organization of a Europe which are liberated from Nazi Germany.
The most famous is Paul Revere - who worked as a messenger and warned the colonists of an impending British attack. His dedication to patriotism reflected in the growing sense of democratic ideals.
Slavic and Scandinavian countries are very rich in resources, and Russia wanted to control most trade in Europe until the collapse of the Soviet Union. More trade = More power and they were still recovering after the HARD losses when the Germans' invaded Leningrad and the war.