B. Adverbs describe verbs (things that are actions). Being tall isn't something the basketball player is doing, it is a description of them as a person.
To think critically is basically the process self-regulatory judgment. Critical thinking is the process by which a reasoned consideration to evidence, context, methods, and criteria are included.
The marchers were made aware that they did not have a permit to march for their cause.
The conflict is heightened when the marchers are stopped by the chief of police and Bull Connor.
Although they were faced with jail time, the marchers were prepared to act nonviolently.
Hearing the cueing signals, marchers filled out into the streets by the hundreds.
this sentence should be removed:
The marchers were made aware that they did not have a permit to march for their cause.
9, 18, and 27 are three numbers that have a GCF of 9