Hi there!
The passage of the Black Codes in many southern states enraged both northerners and African Americans across the country. In response, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act over president Andrew Johnson's veto as well as the Reconstruction Act of 1867. These acts effectively outlawed discrimination on basis of race and granted equal rights to all under the Constitution. They also guaranteed that a citizen's right to vote could not be denied "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." All of these actions effectively invalidated the Black Codes. However, the road to reconstruction was still a long and rocky one.
The Articles of confederation was weak in that it had no power to tax, it couldnot enforce the laws in the constitution and couldn't maintain an army.In this case, the central government couldn't accoplish anything because it had no authority as all powers were placed on the states.
The Shays rebellion demostrated to the governement the need for a strong central government, one that could stand firm on basis of its laws and the constitution.This was achieved through the first revolution under the new government that led to the formation of a central government with strong powers and control.
In addition to that, the articles of confederation was weak because it prohibited the collection of direct taxes on income and property yet these taxes were necessary to facilitate the payment of war debts and to enable the country have a working economy.Shays rebellion exposed these weaknessess fro correction.
War bonds are debt securities issued by a government to finance military operations and other expenditure in times of war.
Germany invaded Poland on September 1st 1939
The American Colonization Society's proposed the migration of free American backs to the coast of Africa. African American denounced it as the measure represent an escape to slavery instead of avoiding it. Secondly, the majority of the leaders of the society were southerners who want to get rid of free slaves who has seen as a threat to property in the south. Tropical disease was another major problem that was ignored and poor blacks were migrated there.