John Locked was all for the people trying to make a good democracy with equality trying to give every one rights while on the other hand Thomas Hobbes hated People and thought they selfish and did not deserve any rights
There are many biblical figures that the monk doesnt include in his parables like Noah, or Mary...etc
“Don’t let anyone steal your joy,you have a beautiful personality.”
My first year of middle school I was always smiling.It wasn’t isn’t easy to get me to stop smiling, but one thing did.I was in reading class and we had a sub.Now we all know that children for some reason believe that they can mistreat subs. We knew that the day before Mrs. Hutchens told us that we had a test. So,as the sub told us to open Edulastic get started on the test the whole class was still rowdy.When it comes to things for a grade I tend to get very focused and I hate when people are loud while I'm trying to test.
I Furiously said,” I wish yall shut up like bruh they got people that's actually trying to past the 6th grade!” But them long neck bobblehead churin would not stop talking.