Every additional three and a half bales meant an additional field-hand, so that in round numbers 1,400,000 more were employed in the cotton-fields in 1860 to produce 5,400,000 bales than to produce the 450,000 bales of 1820.
Answer is: natural rights, john locke advocated for natural rights.
<span>This is a false statement. McVeigh blew up a van in front of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. Along with Terry Nichols, McVeigh was part of the deadliest domestic attack on US soil until the September 11 attacks that took place some 6 years later.</span>
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B) He understands the needs of working Americans.
D) He is a hard worker
E) He wants to support the community
The photo shown doesn't display method to improving the economy or showing any political experience.