I think that owning wild animals isn’t a great idea. they have their own space that they need to be to live and fully develop. if they aren’t in that area, it can end up being a bad habit for them to live in.
Because of Marie Antoinette I think
ok who was trying to start the was who was trying to not have the way just..
out of all the questions iv answered.... this is not.... its just not
This period of time is known as Black Friday. In 1869, two people named Jay Gould and James Fisk, considering that at the time gold was still used as international currency, sought to corner the gold market by purchasing every single gold unit they could get their hands on. This caused the price of gold to highly rise for a small period of time, but having discovered the scheme of these two, former President Grant released millions of dollars in gold on a Friday. This release caused the price of gold to plummet, and the country entered economic turmoil.