The myth explained that each tribe has its own gifts as given to them by Enkai the creator in order to help each of them succeed and prosper in their different habitations.
probably the sound of it sounds like an argument.
but not really sure, cause never took music classes before.
What is supposed to be answered?
True. end notes are placed at the end of an essay on a separate page
Friend 1:
I don't think that the people at my new school will like me.
Friend 2:
Don't sweat it, just have courage and be confident in yourself, you are a great person and you already give people a reason to like you.
Mom, I don't know if I should try out for the basketball team. All of the guys are bigger than me.
Have courage, son, I think you should go for it. You practice every day. I believe you are skilled and are determined to get better.