His own drawings contradicted everything he felt about the things found in the chest. When all of the things he found in the chest disgusted him and proved to be worthless to him, his drawings had elicited feelings he had from his childhood. He soon realizes how important those things in the chest were especially that a part of his childhood was found there.
if I'm supposed to find a grammar error instead if wether it is whether if not I don't know how to answer
lol, thank you for the points
<span>Originally Published in 1978, this special twenty-fifth-anniversary edition of the National Book Award finalist includes an entirely new afterword in which the author considers the current state of knowledge about wolves and recent efforts to rein-troduce wolves to their former habitats in American wilderness areas. Humankind's relationship with the wolf is based on a spectrum of responses running from fear to admiration and affection. Lopez's classic, careful study won praise from a wide range of reviewers and went on to improve the way books about wild animals are written. Of Wolves and Men reveals the uneasy interaction between wolves and civilization over the centuries, and the wolf's prominence in our thoughts about wild creatures.</span>