I think it is English at 1.5 billion people
Prepositions indicate direction, time, location, and spatial relationships, as well as other abstract types of relationships.
Prepositions indicate relationships between other words in a sentence.
Many prepositions tell you where something is or when something happened.
As the name suggests they generally tell position if something. Like, behind, front, on, at etc.
The description suggests that A: Fear influences what people say and do.
Fear is the clash between our inner sense and outer sense, i.e. clash between what we really are from inside and the pressure of society, family, decisions on outside creates fear in humans.
The fear that arises when we see any wild animal or a danger in front of us results in some chemical reactions in our brain and we react. In any negative situations, when one fears, people tend to react differently and may be say things in a different way. So, option A is correct according to the description given about Gazelle. Other options are incorrect according to the excerpt given.
I think it’s Personification, dk not sure.