United States legitimize its position for intervention in the affairs of Latin American nations.
President Roosevelt views that Latin America was vulnerable to European attack and as per the Monroe Doctrine (1823) allowed the United States to serve as a police force at an international level. It has been used to justify US actions in Cuba, Panama, and other countries in Latin America. In the twentieth century, Latin American countries witnessed over 35 invasions of the U.S forces aimed creating an undisputed area of control throughout the western hemisphere.
"weary of the 'Negro Question'" and "'sick of carpet-bag' government." are related to the same political, social end economical event that happened in the USA after the end of the Civil War: The Reconstruction era. Congressional Reconstruction included the stipulation that to reenter the Union, former Confederate states had to ratify the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. Congress also passed the Military Reconstruction Act, which attempted to protect the voting rights and civil rights of African Americans. Former Confederates resented the new state constitutions because of their provisions allowing for black voting and civil rights, where we can explain the "weary of the 'Negro Question'". Carpetbaggers were northerners who allegedly rushed South with all their belongings in carpetbags to grab the political spoils were more often than not Union veterans who had arrived as early as 1865 or 1866, drawn South by the hope of economic opportunity and other attractions that many of them had seen in their Union service. Many other so-called carpetbaggers were teachers, social workers, or preachers animated by a sincere missionary impulse.
The ghettos facilitated the eventual extermination because they were hurdled up in one place.
Ghettos were an Eastern phenomenon because of space and money issues which were more common in eastern Europe than in Germany.
Jews maintained hope through praying and through hoping that they would be able to sneak out of the country to somewhere else.
The invasion of the Soviet Union differed because the Soviet Union put up a much harder fight and wasn't overrun as was Poland at the time.
True I’m pretty sure but double check
D) Government officials took a "hands off" approach to private companies and generally tried to avoid regulating their business practices.
Hope this helps.