Dar al-Islam (Arabic: دار الإسلام literally house/abode of Islam; or Dar as-Salam, house/abode of Peace; or Dar al-Tawhid, house/abode of monotheism) is a term used by Muslim scholars to refer to those countries where Muslims can practice their religion as the ruling sect and where certain religions
The causes were the Ohio River Valley. It was originally owned by the French. But, the British colonists wanted more land because their populations as getting bigger and bigger.
Contagio de las crisis financieras en Rusia y Brasil. Si bien la crisis cambiaria terminó, el problema de la deuda no se ha resuelto por completo.
A dynasty created after Leyasu defeated rival warlords and closed Japan's borders to foreign trade
The term for a large group of similar music work is "genre".