The festival celebrated in Brazil with several days of parades, music and dance is the (C) Carnival.
The Carnival is celebrated every year, 46 days before Easter. It has its roots in the Roman Catholic Church, where individuals celebrated one last day of merriment, drinking and dancing before the beginning of Lent, a period of abstinence.
D) It's great for watering vegetable plants and flowers around your house. I use it to fill my fish tanks, even to wash the car if you want to
How I've Learned To Overcome Setbacks In My Life And Career ... I didn't learn from it–and the many people I know that have done the same. ... One example of a setback would be if you had a project slated to start on
1. Setbacks are usually relatively minor–“hiccups,” really, in that they don't actually stop you. They're more like speed bumps–they simply slow you down. Think of them as a problem that makes your progress harder or success less likely. Roadblocks are obstacles that do a little bit more than just slow you down.