The long reach of the past seems to in any case to be causing the Kremlin some uneasiness. The impacts of the interruption related with the October Upheaval and the resulting arrangement of the Soviet Association infiltrated all aspects of Russian life. A profound association with the past is as yet felt by numerous conventional Russians. I caught a lady in her mid sixties indignantly taking steps to cast a ballot against Vladimir Putin in the impending races since he wouldn't commend the October Unrest. These sentiments are subsiding, however gradually, writes Alexander Nekrassov.
The centennial year of the October Upset showed that the Kremlin is dismissing the Soviet progressive heritage. The Russian state, itself to a great extent a progressive heritage, likes to see in 1917 examination material to evaluate and to gain from. The authority approach currently is to instruct another age of Russians who never commended the October Transformation.
Yes it is absolutely true that the Comitatus was a bond between a king and his nobles (called Thegns). The correct option among the two options that are given in the question is the first option or option "a". The word comitatus actually comes from the word committee and it means gathering together and discussing as well as instructing the subordinates.
Brown V. Board of Education was a landmark decision enacted by the US Supreme Court in 1954, that abolished segregation in public schools and understood that the 'separate but equal' principle that had governed such procedures was violating the Equal Protection Clause and therefore, unconstitutional. This clause was introduced by the 14th amendtment to the US Constitution during the Reconstruction Era, aiming to guarantee equality of rights to all US citizens.
This decision in 1954 overturned the former Plessy v. Ferguson decision from 1896, that had understood that the 'separate but equal' principle did not violate the Equal Protection clause and therefore it enabled segregation.