The war was over. Soldiers spread baseball across the US.
There is often confusion on what good engineering managers and leaders should do. Engineering Management is sometimes conflated with architecture and code delivery, where communication, people and culture take a backseat. Engineering Management is NOT about architecture and implementation. While the engineering team proposes, influences and evolves the architecture of products that deliver to a Company's vision, the true ownership of the architecture and implementation lies with the Company. It delicately rests on the fabric of communication between the various functions within the Company such as Sales, Sales Engineering, Support, Services, Product, Operations and in some cases Education Services and Community Enablement. Engineers themselves are the implementers that bring it to life. And Engineering management is the ENABLER that helps bridge the thousand gaps between various teams and Engineering.
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Moishe the Beadle is the first character we meet in Night. In a way, he is a character who determines and marks Eliezer's life - first, by teaching him the mystic Kabbalah (which his father disapproves of); second, by warning the local Jews of the extermination that awaits them by the Nazi regime. Therefore, Moishe is an epitome of Wiesel's main idea: that people should never ignore oppression, or try to stay neutral towards it. Moishe speaks, but people hardly believe him, if at all. He is a kind of a prophet, who foresees the future (based on his own experience), but it is all in vain, because people are prone to turn a blind eye until it gets too late.