Rhythm is a patterned repetition of a motif, formal element, etc., at a regular or irregular intervals in the same or modified form.
When writing to get a job or college application, you should be totally honest. Like, raely put a joke or anything "funny" in it. Because when you fill these out, whatever you put in them, has to be true. Ex: Because, for one, if you get to the job/college, and can't do what you said you could do in the application. Your gonna get fired, or kicked out of college(maybe). It would be very embarrassing, and you could loose whatever you had.
I hope this makes sense, and I hope it helps!! Good luck ;)
The answer is... In hazardous situations, the instinct to survive overcomes everything else.
It shows Hamlet's success
Tension and Suspense in Monkey's Paw The writer is able to create tension and suspense through various ways. In the opening sentence of the story we are given a brief description of the surrounding area. In gothic stories, they are usually set in a remote and isolated area, as in the ‘Monkey’s Paw’ it is set in a remote village were there is only 2 houses inhabited. ‘Without, the night was cold and wet’ sets the scene of the story. A gloomy background has been given
to set the atmosphere. This weather
is similar to the feelings of the main characters. This technique used
is called pathetic fallacy, when the weather resembles a persons