David Ramsey and James Winthrop differ completely towards the principle of representation in the United States,<em> they only agreed in the Bill of Rights</em>.
On one side David Ramsey, who is a federalist, believes the whole country should be governed by the same laws made by the legislation. On the other side James Winthrop is an anti federalist who believed that one of the reasons freedom in America was presereved was because the states have the right to be self-governed. He thought it would be impossible for all the states to agree and be ruled by the same laws.
It divided the country.
There was only conflict caused between the North and South because the North wanted slavery to end and the South did not. Since these acts were a disadvantage to those that were pro slavery, and a benefit to those against slavery, conflict arose because not everyone supported slavery and some did.
The Romans believed in the education of women…
Basic skills of reading and writing were taught to most girls in the Roman upper and middle classes, while some families went further and employed private tutors to teach their daughters more advanced grammar or Greek.