The present location/position is central Uttar Pradesh state, northern India... sorry for the mistake of not seeing the whole picture
It facilitated the development of Pre-Columbian civilization
Agriculture facilitated the use of genetics to grow better crops for their areas. Through effective agricultural practices, people were able to stay in one place and grow surplus food thus helping the whole society to thrive well. The availability of surplus products made the population of Pre-Columbian America to increase. People were then able to live in permanent villages that in the long-run developed self-governing systems. There was division of labor that facilitated the trading of goods between different villages
I think this might help.
Avian influenza (bird flu) has the potential to cause a healthcare crisis of unprecedented
global dimensions. Many predict a global pandemic far worse than the
1918 Spanish Flu, which killed 40 million to 50 million people. A larger, denser
global population, coupled with modern transportation systems of both goods and
people, could result in a pandemic killing far more people worldwide. The consequences
of such a pandemic would stretch beyond just public health. International
relations, commerce, politics, travel, medicine, and economic and social infrastructures
would be affected due to widespread infection and worldwide mitigation
Feudalism in the Middle Ages resembles a pyramid, with the lowest peasants at its base and the lines of authority flowing up to the peak of the structure, the king. ... Life lived under the Medieval Feudal System, or Feudalism, demanded that everyone owed allegiance to the King and their immediate superior.
Women in india wearing jeans and blazers... im not really sure