C) the printing press led to significant changes throughout the world
edge 2020
It would be A. Bartolomeu
The knights and the samurai shared lot of similarities in their social status and their purpose in the societies. Both of the were protectors of the leader of the country. For their services of protection they were given free pieces of large parcels of land. They were the best warriors in their respective societies, and when there was a battle they were the elite unit that usually was the one that was winning the battle/war. Their only job in the society was to train for battle, and fight in battle.
ThE DuTch WEst InDia CoMpaNy wAnted tO esTAblish A Colony iN NoRth AMERica tO tRAde GOod sUch As fURs aNd sPIces. ThIS WAs aT A tIMe wHerE mANy EUROpean naTIons wEre "sCraMBling" fOR teRRitoRy iN tHe AMEricAs.