How, does the proverbial Russian definition of a hero, "He who hangs on for one minute more," apply to flawed heroes like Indian
a Jones, Iron Man, and Batman? Include examples from the reading to support your conclusion. Your response must cite the articles you read in the lesson.
Imperfect heroes are those who present a history where good and evil are not simple, well-defined and well-defined concepts, but which mix, as in the real way. These heroes have problems defining what is right and what is wrong, in many moments, they have several traumas and problems, but they are able to endure their limitations and imperfections to promote what they believe is right. In other words, these characters believe that if they succeeded, in the midst of the imperfections they have to get where they are, it means that they can take it a little longer. In this sense, we can associate the Russian proverbial about the hero being "the one who can take another minute," with these characters, because they do not give up on good beings, even when it is difficult.