A dictionary is a source you can use to find definitions of words.
A thesaurus is a source you can use to find synonyms/antonyms for certain words.
These two combined can help you choose words that are not commonly used and it can improve your vocabulary range. I personally use a thesaurus way more than a dictionary to find synonyms for common words such as “good” or “smart”
The answer is C) mother's
Where's the underline? to the problem
Answer and explanation:
When Louie was in Germany, he lost his hope for once and his power to compete has come to an end when he was facing some looming defeats at sudden speed. He was was not able to think or move normally because he spend most of his time in eating and not working on his ship. But when he began start working again, he touched the glories of success. Moreover he also showed examples of mischief when he stole the flag of German Chancellery.