Japan requested that their dual citizens be isolated to ensure that American ideals would not be spread to their population
In the 1920s, tens of thousands of Filipinos moved to California, becoming wage laborers there in the agriculture, ready to work from early morning until evening, with a fifteen-minute breakfast break and a half-hour lunch break, for only twenty dollars a month. Even today, California farms keep afloat thanks to illegal immigrants, including Filipinos.
Both the North and the South thought the war would only last a few weeks to months. The North thought that as soon as the South saw the devastation of the battle field they would give up because they wouldn't want to lose so many men. The giving up slavery would be worth saving thousands of lives. The SOuth thought they could wait out the North. Between having the North tire itself out and key battlefield victories, they thought that the popularity for the war would wane and the North would simply give up. Neither side was correct and both were set in the idea that they would be free or bring the nation together. No matter the cost in human life.
Viceroyalties were instiutions created by the Spanish monarchy to incorporate the colonized lands in America in the administration engines of the Empire. A viceroyalty was ruled by viceroy, a direct subordinates of the King, and was considered a province within the Empire and not a colony anymore.
The two viceroyalties existing in America prior to 1717 were:
- Viceroyalty of New Spain. It contained the current territory of Mexico, together with Southwestern states from the current US. It was the first one created by the Spanish in America in 1535.
- Viceroyalty of Peru, created in 1542, which contained almost the whole territory ruled by the Spanish in South America.