Africa to Middle east to Asia and to Oceania and then to Eurasia and to America.
- The human migration started around 2 million years ago form the continent of Africa, the early humans crossed the land bridges that were covered by water.
- The population of the early homo sapiens migrated to Europe between the 130,000 and 115,000 million years ago. Reaching china through the nile valley and heading to the middle east into modern Israel by the Strait on the Red Sea at the time sea level was much lower and narrow.
- <u>The migration continued through Asia to the southeastern coast and entering the Australia 50,000 years ago. At the time of the last glacial maximum. Also, the coastal population around the southeast Asia grew with the dispersal of the humans giving rise to the old and the new world i.e America.
- Paleo Indians emerged for central Asia crossing the Beringia land bridge between the eastern Siberia and present-day Alaska. Continued by the end of the last glacial peroid i.e 23,000 years BP.
Totalitarian Government is a political ideology where the state has infinite and total power and authority over everything, public or private life, and tries to expand its rule.
well technically its in central Russia but it covers most of Eastern Russia
C. Eastern Russia
I don't know much but I can tell one point
As Australia is surrounded by water it has a lot of danger of floods and tsunami
Let's take as an example the behavior of some birds, for example Storks. They live in Northern Europe in the Summer but travel South during the winter. This behaviour is actually called a seasonal migration and is dependent on the change of seasons - so the correct answer is a)