We don't get a ton of
illustration of Egypt itself, or of the altars that the kids set up—but
there are plenty of illustrations of the kids performing rituals, or of
April in her fancy-shmancy get-up, fake eyelashes
Like the hieroglyphics that the kids in The Egypt Game
create, the drawings in the book add to the richness of the story. They
don't show everything—just enough to get the ball rolling and give the
readers a starting point for their imaginations to take off.
I hope this helps:)
Red herring. This fallacy blames something entirely irrelevant on the cause of something else. E.g. This happened and so did that. Therefore, this caused that.
Both C and D have to do with attacking arguments or people, E is simply aggrandizement, and B is coming to an illogical conclusion.
The answer to your question is Helen. She was married to Menalaos and was the most beautiful woman in the world.