“What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden and it's not. And a lot of the time, it's what makes you great.”
d. In the absence of a date of publication, write n.d. to indicate no date was provided.
When you need to use APA format, the procedure for citing inside of a text consists of including the author and the date of the information cited. To be clear, this implies including both the author's last name and the year of publication in the text to later place full reference in the final list of the document. If such year is not available, you should proceed as stated above.
You did not put the date of Louis Armstrong, and it has no "these" in between in, and Hollywood.
One of this country's most valued presidents, Abraham Lincoln, was born on Feb. 12. 1809. He was a self-educated man who even taught himself enough about the law to become a practicing lawyer and a political leader. He was known for his rugged humor and his strong sense of honesty ("Honest Abe"). When he became president, his most important goals were to preserve, protect and defend the Union. Later, he acted to end slavery in the Confederate States by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863.
becuase i beileved in my own condition rigth now is tropical this is my last answer read this and learne about my life this me and me sorry i am just sad bat ido my best for you