<u>The correct answer is: he went from Arkansas post to Fort Smith in 1818</u>. His first contact with the frontier occurred during a mineralogical journey through Arkansas in 1817 and 1818. Schoolcraft is known for its discovery of the source of the Mississippi River. He was a geographer, ethnologist and geologist.
i think mughals
i really hope this helps sorry it it didnt
On August 23, 1939–shortly before World War II (1939-45) broke out in Europe–enemies Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which the two countries agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years.
Germany really really want to war and Russia to acquire new territory in the east but could justify it going to war to back early was more than a truth Australia had your reason to go for which Serbia to Germany kept the pushing it will this fight cause for peace of the rest of Europe