The black bird tribe was a ancient and deadly tribe in the far northwest of america, Christopher Columbus himself stubbled upon these savages. They wore black paint and covered them selfs in blood when they killed an enemy, finally years later an earthquake hit the land they were living in and they were never seen again...
African Americans couldn't get education and if they did the budget was really low
It is the USA's branch of government that makes the laws of the country.
One of my reasons that i would enlist to fight in the civil war is because i believe in equality. Slavery is something that should NEVER of been a thing to begin with. Even though it might not be in my self interest to fight in a war where i could possibly lose my life, I realize i would not just be fighting for my life, but for the lives of millions. Visualize a day in the of a slave and think how it would feel for people fighting for your freedom and know that you got to be apart of that and fighting a war that would change the lives of millions for the better is a great thing to be apart of.
July 30 to August 4, 1619 the General Assembly was the first representative governing body to meet in North America, or anywhere in the Americas, and has continued to meet to the present day.