This is all i found on google, hope it helps some!
Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs. Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Make sure you have enough contrast when choosing an analogous color scheme.
ANSWER: Denis Diderot was one of the most famous 18th century critic of art. He wrote passionately about his love and thoroughly hated contemporary art. For him, Boucher's paintings were heartless, decadent, trivial, and morally worthless. In 1765, while viewing the works of François Boucher, Diderot wrote, “Depravity of morals has been closely followed by the debasement of taste, color, composition.”
what's ur gender are u boy or girl!!
the first one is tomorrow
someone already said the other two
Answer is: <span>D.) p.
</span>p<span> or </span>piano<span> meaning "soft".
</span>mp -<span> standing for </span>mezzo-piano<span>, meaning "half soft".
</span>mf -<span>standing for </span>mezzo-forte<span>, meaning "half loud".
</span><span>ff - standing for fortissimo and meaning "very loud".
</span>Piano<span> affects the dynamics (or volume) of a musical composition and is an indication to play louder than </span>pianissimo (pp<span>), but softer than </span>mezzo piano<span>.</span>