Let us start saying that it was when Schurz was a student at the University of Bonn, in early 1848, when news reached that the French people had removed their king and had established a representative government.
It was in that precise moment that Schurz got inspired and mmediately joined a group of revolutionaries determined to fight for civil liberties and national unity in Germany.
The answer to your question is the news that the French people had removed their king and had established a representative government.
It was known as glasnost
It has been used in Russian to mean "openness and transparency. this policy, aided by perestroika which means restructuring,
introduced a series of reforms designed to give new freedoms to the
people, including greater freedom of speech. The press also became far
less controlled, and thousands of political prisoners and many
dissidents were released.</span>
Japan experienced many new positive things because it started becoming more modernized after a long period of seclusion. Of course, some conservative people were against this western influence and rebellions ensued, but it was eventually all solved.