hieroglyphics and papyrus helped grow the the civilization in Egypt because it was one of the first forms of a language and could easy be made to make a hieroglyph you needed a surface and paint. on the other hand papyrus made it possible to make writing that could be delivered by one man or stored in a place not written on a wall. it was the early form of paper. much easier to carry imagine trying to deliver a giant rock with writing just not gonna happen.
People tried to abide by them and then realized how imperfect we all are, and they realized that we need salvation.
"The name code talkers is strongly associated with bilingual Navajo speakers specially recruited during World War II by the US Marine Corps to serve in their standard communications units of the Pacific theater. Code talking, however, was pioneered by the Cherokee and Choctaw peoples during World War I.
They sent and received verbally encrypted messages over radio to and from the battlefield during World War 1.
Mlk used non violent protest, boycotts and petitions