Compare and contrast your Sweet Sixteen experience with a Quinceañero birthday party. For example, you can use the information a
bout el Quinceañero that Marisa wrote in her blog to her friend Mauricio. You can find more information el Quinceañero by clicking on the link at the bottom of page 3 of the lesson area. You can use your own Sweet Sixteen experience or, if you’ve not had one, a Sweet Sixteen of a friend or family member. You can use a Graphic Organizer to organize your ideas. After you complete the Graphic Organizer and organize your thoughts, you'll be prepared to write two paragraphs to make a comparison between both celebrations. You must include at least three similarities and three differences. You must write the information in English.
Quinceañera parties are huge. They cost more than weddings sometimes. It is a coming of age party basically for a girl turning 15. Men and boys are in suits, and the birthday girl wears a dress equal to or fancier than prom- there is a large cake, and dancing. Now that you know this and have resources it sounds like, at least, from the prompt, you can compare this to an American sweet 16 party.<span />