Use of ground troops: Americanization used US ground troops to fight the war whereas Vietnamization used S.Vietnamese ground troops to fight the war.
Johnson moved the US from an aid and financial backer to a ground force with men in active duty on the front lines in addition to naval and air support. Nixon's policy removed the ground troops, leaving the S. Vietnamese to fight that on their own (with our aid and money) but continued our air strikes and naval support.
On January 25, 1863 the Governor of Massachusetts received the authority to recruit black troops. The 54th Massachusetts Volunteers was the first black regiment from the North - and also a fine fighting unit.
<span>"It presaged the full-scale organization and employment of Negro soldiers. It initiated the new Negor soldier policy of procedding not by the the parceling out of authority to selected individuals and states but by decree and direction of the War Department acting through the army. This step was the great turning point in the development of the movement to arm the Negro as a soldier."</span>
i think it was the mandate of heaven
hope this was it :)
El término Inquisición o Santa Inquisición hace referencia a varias instituciones dedicadas a la supresión de la herejía, mayoritariamente en la Iglesia católica. ... La Inquisición medieval se fundó en 1184 en la zona de Languedoc (en el sur de Francia) para combatir la herejía de los cátaros o albigenses.
Espero haberlo ayudado y que tenga un día maravilloso.