How about raising 286 up by 14 to 300 and compensating by lowering 428 by the same 14 Since I know that 14 + 14 is 28 then 28-14 is 14 So 428 - 14 = 414 So now I have 414 + 300 which I can do mentally - the answer is 714 and is also the answer to the original problem 428 + 286
Compensation works very well - bring one number up or down to a rounded number and compensate by doing the opposite to the other - instead of 199 + 457 - try 200 + 456 Same answer and because one of the numbers is nicely rounded, it is easy to add the other.
One more: 207 + 182 becomes 200 + 189 =389 I lowered one by 7 and raised the other one by the same 7.
The answer is 29% first you subtract the first number by the second number then make a fraction with the difference and the second number then make a decimal and make a percent out of that decimal
Diameter = 2*radius 14/2=7 Radius is 7in" Circumference of circle formula: 2pi(radius) 2pi(7)= 43.98in of wire required so it can wrap around lamp exactly once.
The best one is 3:2 cause it is the most used way to write a ratio. 3:2 also means 3 divided by 2 or 3 out of 2 so that's why you would use the other 2.