Yes, perfect copy of yours is not the solution of this problem, the solution is to find someone that understand the rules as well as follow the rules which are negotiated with him at the start of sharing the room. Different types of people can live with each other if they respect one others opinions and understand each other otherwise it is difficult to live in the same room. If they give space to one another and know their attitudes so they experience no difficulty in living with one another.
You argue your stance with the claim
Black and white started getting along....
It's to support subject/verb inversion (as in "neither do I" or "so do we"). So 'does' is standing in for the main verb, 'discover' because modern English avoids inverting except with auxiliary verbs such as do, can, will. Without 'does', you'd have to say 'Only by ... views of others DISCOVERS ONE ...' which isn't done in modern English.