Where war destroys and tears apart, peace builds, strengthens and restores. At the same time peace is personal, for each of us longs for security and tranquility in the face of the troubles, anxiety and chaos that often touch our lives
There are many pros and cons from living in a pandemic. Pros would be the time spent in quarantine. The time you spend at your house keeps you and other people safe from the virus. This time could also be spent on reflection and quality time with your family. Don't Forget about the sleep and the opportunity to wear PJ all day! Cons would have to be the lack of exercise. People don't have much to do at home, so it's mostly spent in front of the TV. There is also the lack of socialization, and education. The daily routines we had, are no longer used, so now what?
It is an incomplete sentence because it has no predicate.
The 93% of Americans who say they follow the. ... Surprisingly, the most popular reasons for following the news do not relate. .... Women are slightly more likely than men to believe that it is easier in ... Some 70% agree with that statement.
d) To whom thy secret thou dost tell, to him thy freedom thou dost sell.