because it was made for people who were peasants to have their own lands and even property and be able to do certain things like go to Church for free and be able to do what everyone else could do who weren’t peasants.
Corruption, Poverty, Dissagreements over language.
The communists used the trial to recruit southern blacks and northern liberals. The south only treated the communist with a slight bit more respect than blacks.
A local party organization is an organization responsible for a political party's activities below the state level but is not registered with the Federal Election Commission as a district or local party committee.
National committees have the greatest role in the years of a presidential election, they are responsible for planning the nominating convention and also spend heavily in support of their party's nominee.
The annexation of Korea by Japan was set up in the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1910<span>, which was never actually signed by the Korean regent, Gojong. Imperial Japanese rule over Korea ended in </span>1945<span>, when American and Soviet forces liberated the peninsula.</span>