The pay for women 25 and under is increasing. The pay for women 45 and over cannot be inferred because their is not enough data to showcase a discrepancy.
Because there is no before and after like the women under 25 in 1979 and then 2009 example.
The national government wasn’t able to tax the states leaving them without money, they count draft an army, leaving them with no power, etc. The flaws in the articles can be seen in Shay’s Rebellion when the farmers took over an arsenal and rebelled and the national government had no army to stop them so states had to rely on militias which was not effective.
1. Cavs
2. Heat
3.he was 18
4. highschool
Quebec Act, in 1774, passed by the british parliament to institute a permanent administration in Canada replacing the temporary government created at the time of of the proclamation of 1763. It gave French Canadians complete religious freedom and restored the French form of civil law.
The Quebec Act was intended to appease and gain the the loyalty of French Canadians. First and foremost, the Act granted the freedom of worship in the colony. As such, French Canadians could freely practice their religion without any restrictions.