Hitler's blunders contributed to the allied victory; eg, withholding the Panzer reserves away from local control of Rommel prior to the Normandy invasions. His stance of not retreating, led to the debacle of the Falaise pocket which destroyed many of his best divisions in the west, among them the 12th SS, Panzer Lehr, and others.
UICK ANSWER<span>The Allies secured victory in World War II when Germany was overwhelmed by the strength of the Soviet Red Army, aid from the United States and the strategy of the United States Air Force. The war ended with the surrender of Germany on May 7, 1945.</span>
The Soviet Red Arm improved their training regimen, and utilized more advanced technology to outmatch the Germans. The Soviet Union's emergency war economy produced armaments for the army, and the United States and Great Britain also provided aid to the Soviet troops, sending food, boots, telephone wire and trucks. The United States Air Force used intelligent bombing strategies against Germany and Japan, and when combined with Britain's air power, the German Air Force was no match. Germany was forced to use its air power as defense rather than offense. Many aircraft were destroyed, and the German transport of supplies was interrupted.
Texas is part of their native grounds before we kicked them out of their own country, we preserve there culture out of respect and to avoid culture appropriation conflicts in the future