This is another example of learning to use vocabulary in context. Given that the main idea of the text is a party for a couple who most probably are getting, or got, engaged, we would need the appropriate words. Thus, I will be placing them according to context, with their appropriate translation in English for better understanding.
Liliana y Patricia prepararon una fiesta de compromiso (engagement) para sus amigos Victoria y David. Ellas invitaron (invited) a todos los amigos de la pareja y, para ellas, lo mejor es que todos pudieron (were able to) asistir. Liliana hizo (made) la reservación en un restaurante muy elegante del centro. Patricia salió (left from) de la casa de Victoria y David al restaurante y llegó con ellos a la mesa donde estaban (were) todos esperando. Liliana pidió silencio (asked for silence). Victoria quizo (wanted to) agradecer (thank) a sus amigos, pero no pudo porque empezó a llorar (to cry) de alegría. Todos estaban felices (were happy) por la pareja y compartieron los postres y los dulces que el camarero trajo (brought) a la mesa.
Why are you making us basically do a half-essay for you?
Difícilmente esquepalabra
Hardly a word
1. Kevin arrives at Granada by train
2. Kevin gives maria jesus two kisses
3. kevin vomits
4. Maria Jesus lives in a cave
5. Alfonso lives with Maria Jesus
8. Alfonso is Maria Jesus son.
Kevin eats paella
kevin eats falcon
9. A rabbit lives with Alfonso and Maria Jesus
If you need more help, ask.
Chapter Two
Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday. Tomorrow will be Friday. My favorite day is friday. Today it's cloudy. It looks like it's going to rain. It's cool and it's windy. It is a normal fall day. It is not summer, it is not spring and it is not winter.
-Hello Felipe! - says Lorenzo.
-Good morning Lorenzo! - I answer.
-How are you? How are you? - says Lorenzo.
-Fine thanks! And you? - I respond.
-Bad- says Lorenzo