Afro–Latin Americans or Black Latin Americans (sometimes Afro-Latinos or Afro-Latinx), are Latin Americans of significant or mainly African ancestry. The term Afro–Latin American is not widely used in Latin America outside academic circles.
6. Sirvan el maiz.
7. Olmec
8. A large canyon
9. durazno
10. vaya a casa
The Oruro Carnival combines stories of the Conquest with religious elements. true false 2. The Virgen del Socavón is the protector of the city. true false 3. Devil masks have symbols of indigenous mythology. true false 4. The masks are all the same. true false 5. The most famous parade is that of the brunette. true false 6. The carnival devil has elements of Uncle Supay from Andean mythology. true false 7. The parade of the morenadas is done in commemoration of the Virgen del Socavón. true false 8. The Oruro Carnival has been declared "masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity". true False
Ellas se llaman Daniela y Teresa. That would be the correct form of llamarse