The hiker followed the north trail a distance of two kilometers in thirty minutes.
Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment of the body with the help of certain mechanisms such as feedback loops.
Homeostasis refers to the maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment of the body. It includes maintaining several parameters such as acid-base balance, blood glucose level, body' temperature, etc. within the narrow range.
Homeostasis is mainly maintained with the help of negative feedback loops wherein the deviation of any parameter from the normal physiological range is counteracted and restored.
For example, the blood glucose level remains within the range of 70 and 110 milligrams of glucose per 100 milliliters of blood under normal physiological conditions. Any deviation from the range is restored with the help of pancreatic hormones insulin and glucagon.
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Before viruses can reproduce, they must infect a host cell.
Viruses need a way to enter the body before they can infect a host cell.