Since you don't include "the following" benefits of college then one may surmise the benefits:
1) Increased education
2) increase in making personal connections that benefit ones ability to get a job
3) personal growth toward becoming independent ...
For starters.
One thought that is not a benefit is
1) having lots of free time to do what one wants to do.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which in 1970 established NPR to provide programming to the nation's noncommercial and educational radio stations, most of them situated at the low end of the FM radio dial.
An essay that describes a special scene, and really provides the reader with the emotions that are suppose to be portrayed at the time
I heard that
Bhutan is like the place in Shangri-la where kind and compassionate king rule that country and they have the different cultures and dialect compare to ours. All the people's were happy under his controls. I could see that they have a different types of structural and there is lots of holy places at that country.
I have a dreams to visit there. After believing and have faith to myself, I am able to achieve that goals but to achieve that goal I had lots of difficulties. I was able to go there at that places.
I had a excited feeling to visit there. Hurry! my dreams come true. As I reached there I was very surprised to see the people's, their culturals and places.
Reaching there I could see one of the tourist guide had compassionately welcomed me there and I could see that he is wearing a different dresses. I have visits holy places and I could know more information about their traditions and cultural. I could see that their places are surrounded by mountains. I was able to achieve my dreams. Finally I fall down the bed, as I woke up I could see myself on my bed not at Bhutan.
I said "what a Dream"